ReleaseLoop Progress Report: Product, Revenue, and Future Plans

Pete Callaghan

Aug 19, 2024

Pete Callaghan

Aug 19, 2024

Where I'm at with ReleaseLoop


ReleaseLoop is now a stable product. I built the hard things first to make it easy to grow later on. For example, I built ReleaseLoop with teams in mind so multiple people can work on the same release from their own accounts. Last week, I rolled out customisable task lists that the entire team can access. Everything I build now already has the backend set correctly.


Trial users are increasing, so my positioning and marketing are working. Currently, I'm getting a trial user per day, and in the last 30 days, I had three customers join. That's a 10% conversion rate. In theory, those numbers should increase if I increase marketing and trial nurturing.


  • Google search is the biggest driver. On average, I get 30k impressions and 400 clicks per month.

  • LinkedIn is also sending traffic. But for this to work, I must continuously write content. I don't enjoy content writing, but get on with it.


  • MORE marketing. I'll focus on Google/LinkedIn as that is working.

  • Email trial nurturing: At the moment, I don't have anything other than a welcome email.

  • Continue speaking with labels to understand their problems and build solutions around them.

This is where ReleaseLoop stands now. The product is stable, revenue is growing, and marketing efforts are showing results. Moving forward, the focus will be on expanding marketing efforts, improving trial user nurturing, and continuing to adapt the product based on user feedback. Stay tuned for more updates as ReleaseLoop continues to evolve.