Inside ReleaseLoop
Inside ReleaseLoop: Planning Your Release
Looking to take your record label to the next level?
It all starts with a well-planned music release. And that's where ReleaseLoop comes into play. This powerful software can be your secret weapon for a successful launch.
Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, planning a music release can be challenging. You're probably wondering where to start or how to streamline the process.
ReleaseLoop is designed to simplify your music release process, giving you more time to focus on your label. So, let's see how you can plan your next music release with ReleaseLoop.
Using ReleaseLoop to plan a release
Release planning can be tricky. That's where ReleaseLoop comes in. This project management software for record labels helps you plan music releases and stay organized. It promises an easier route to successful releases and changes how you manage your operations.
Creating a Release
To start planning a new release, hit the 'create new release' button. You'll be greeted with a modal to input basic metadata about your release. As ReleaseLoop is a planning tool, your inputted details don't need to be perfect but detailed enough to keep you organized.

Planning Inside a Release
Once you've created your release, it comes to life as a release card on your dashboard. Clicking on this card unfolds an all-in-one release page. This page is your control center, allowing you to chalk down notes, plan tracks, schedule crucial tasks, and get a birds-eye view of your upcoming release.

Setting Tasks
One of ReleaseLoop's power features is its task-setting mechanism. Once assigned to a release, each task becomes visible on the release page. Task templates, such as a 3-week marketing run, make it a game-changer. Once selected, ReleaseLoop cleverly uses your release date to plan tasks around it. These aren't set in stone - you can modify task names and due dates to fit your process.

Why ReleaseLoop will help your record label
So you've seen how ReleaseLoop can transform your music release process. It's more than just a tool—it can help you organize your entire record label.
With ReleaseLoop, you're not just planning a release. You're creating a roadmap to success using features like metadata input, release cards, and task templates. It's about streamlining your workflow, making your job easier and more efficient.
Remember, a well-planned music release can make all the difference. So why wait? Let ReleaseLoop take your music releases to the next level.