Basecamp Alternative - ReleaseLoop

Basecamp Alternative - ReleaseLoop

Basecamp Alternative - ReleaseLoop

Searching for a Basecamp alternative? ReleaseLoop offers music industry-focused design, enabling collaboration, uncomplicated record label management, and reasonably priced. While acknowledging Basecamp's capabilities, here's why ReleaseLoop might be your right choice.

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Effortless Setup with ReleaseLoop

ReleaseLoop saves your time and hassle of designing project templates and managing databases, a process often associated with Basecamp.

Effortless Setup with ReleaseLoop

ReleaseLoop saves your time and hassle of designing project templates and managing databases, a process often associated with Basecamp.

Cost-Effective Pricing

Cost-Effective Pricing

ReleaseLoop costs just $6 per user, a budget-friendly solution when compared to Basecamp's $15 per user per month. ReleaseLoop presents cost-effectiveness with quality.

Cost-Effective Pricing

ReleaseLoop costs just $6 per user, a budget-friendly solution when compared to Basecamp's $15 per user per month. ReleaseLoop presents cost-effectiveness with quality.

Simplifying Record Label Management

Simplifying Record Label Management

Simplifying Record Label Management

ReleaseLoop simplifies the process with its intuitive interface and design crafted particularly for record label management, unlike Basecamp's universal layout that can require more setup time.

Tier 1 - One-time purchase


1 User

Manage 1 label

Artist CRM

EPK builder

Release planning

Task management

Release calendar

Tier 2 - One-time purchase


3 Users

Manage 1 label

Artist CRM

EPK builder

Release planning

Task management

Release calendar

Tier 3 - One-time purchase


5 Users

Manage 2 labels

Artist CRM

EPK builder

Release planning

Task management

Release calendar